
Morphometric analysis of avian spermatozoa from sperm samples preserved in formalin is a frequently adopted procedure in basic science (e.g. evolutionary ecology) and applied disciplines (e.g. animal breeding). Many research questions such as individual-based longitudinal studies of sperm traits require comparisons of formalin-stored sperm samples collected across multiple sampling events, which may be separated by years. Such analyses presuppose that prolonged storage in formalin does not affect sperm morphology, an assumption often implicitly made in the analysis of avian sperm morphology. This assumption, however, has never been tested, although for many study designs a potential effect of sperm storage duration may well confound the focal analysis. Based on pairwise comparisons of 22 experimental ejaculates from three passerine bird species, we found no evidence that differential storage duration of more than 1 year had affected the total length of spermatozoa stored in a 5 % formaldehyde solution. This suggests that formalin-stored sperm samples from long-term studies or museum collections can be merged in combined analyses without confounding differential storage duration with natural between-year variation in sperm dimensions or age effects in longitudinal studies. Based on pairwise comparisons of 29 split ejaculates, we also found no evidence that spermatozoa differed in length when solved initially in either phosphate buffered saline or Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium, a standard medium for videotaping live sperm, prior to preservation and storage in formalin. Sperm samples treated differently in this respect may thus be merged into combined analyses, too.

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