
AbstractDegradation and loss of riparian vegetation are some of the main drivers of change in the trophic interactions among aquatic macroconsumers. These changes can often have major consequences for biodiversity and stream ecosystem functioning. Yet, many aspects of food‐web dynamics are still not well understood, including how food webs among tropical streams respond to riparian vegetation loss. We examined the role of macroconsumers on community structure of functional feeding groups of benthic macroinvertebrates along a forest cover gradient within the Bodoquena Plateau, Brazil. We compared the effect of excluding macroconsumers (using electric fences) on functional feeding groups to those in controls within seven karst streams along a gradient of riparian vegetation cover. Aquatic insect and gastropod communities were dominated by groups of collector‐gatherers, scrapers, and predators across all sites. The exclusion of macroconsumers did not lead to an increase in the abundance of macroinvertebrates and was not affected by the forest cover during the experiment. These findings demonstrated that the experimental exclusion of macroconsumers resulted in a lack of or negligible effect on functional feeding groups along the gradient of forest cover. It is important to consider the specificity of trophic relationships to fully understand the effects of vegetation loss on streams where complex groundwater hydrology can also affect food webs such as in karst terrain.Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.

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