
Brown and brite adipocytes within the mammalian adipose organ provide non-shivering thermogenesis and thus, have an exceptional capacity to dissipate chemical energy as heat. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) of the n3-series, abundant in fish oil, have been repeatedly demonstrated to enhance the recruitment of thermogenic capacity in these cells, consequently affecting body adiposity and glucose tolerance. These effects are scrutinized in mice housed in a thermoneutral environment and in a human dietary intervention trial. Mice are housed in a thermoneutral environment eliminating the superimposing effect of mild cold-exposure on thermogenic adipocyte recruitment. Dietary fish oil supplementation in two different inbred mouse strains neither affects body mass trajectory nor enhances the recruitment of brown and brite adipocytes, both in the presence and absence of a β3-adrenoreceptor agonist imitating the effect of cold-exposure on adipocytes. In line with these findings, dietary fish oil supplementation of persons with overweight or obesity fails to recruit thermogenic adipocytes in subcutaneous adipose tissue. Thus, the authors' data question the hypothesized potential of n3-PUFA as modulators of adipocyte-based thermogenesis and energy balance regulation.

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