
Schr\"{o}dinger (Nature, v.169, 538 (1952)) noted that the complex matter field in the Klein-Gordon equation can be made real by a gauge transform, although charged fields are believed to require complex functions. Surprisingly, the result can be extended to the Dirac equation: three complex components of the Dirac spinor function can be algebraically eliminated, and the remaining component can be made real by a gauge transform. Therefore, the Dirac equation is generally equivalent to one fourth-order partial differential equation for one real function (A. Akhmeteli, J. Math. Phys. v.52, 082303 (2011)). These results both belong in textbooks and can be used for development of new efficient methods of quantum chemistry. The matter field can be algebraically eliminated both in scalar electrodynamics and in spinor electrodynamics in a certain gauge. The resulting equations describe independent dynamics of the electromagnetic field, which permits mathematical simplification and can be useful for interpretation of quantum theory. For example, in the Bohm interpretation, the electromagnetic field can replace the wave function as the guiding field. It is also shown that for these equations, generalized Carleman embedding generates systems of linear equations in the Hilbert space, which look like second-quantized theories and are equivalent to the original nonlinear systems on the set of solutions of the latter. Thus, the relevant local realistic models can be embedded into quantum field theories. These models are equivalent to scalar electrodynamics and spinor electrodynamics, so they correctly describe a large body of experimental data. Although they may need some modifications for better agreement with experiments, they may be of great interest as "no drama quantum theories", as simple (in principle) as classical electrodynamics. Possible issues with the Bell theorem are discussed.


  • The extension of the above results to spinor electrodynamics offered in Ref. [1] was much more limited and less satisfactory, as, instead of the Dirac equation, its modification for a limited class of functions was used

  • The root of the problem was that, while a scalar field can always be made real by a gauge transform (Ref. [3]), this is not true for a spinor field described by the Dirac equation

  • On the one hand, the Dirac equation is generally equivalent to a fourth order partial differential equation for just one real component, on the other hand, most results of Ref. [3] for scalar fields and scalar electrodynamics were extended to spinor fields and spinor electrodynamics

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The extension of the above results to spinor electrodynamics (the Dirac–Maxwell electrodynamics) offered in Ref. [1] was much more limited and less satisfactory, as, instead of the Dirac equation, its modification for a limited class of functions was used. [3]), this is not true for a spinor field described by the Dirac equation. This line of research produced a most important spinoff [4]): it was shown that, in a general case, three out of four complex components of the Dirac spinor can be algebraically eliminated from the Dirac equation in electromagnetic field, and the remaining component can be made real (at least locally) by a gauge transform. [3] for scalar fields and scalar electrodynamics were extended to spinor fields and spinor electrodynamics This opened a way to the main result of the present article C (2013) 73:2371 spinor electrodynamics, which is more realistic than scalar electrodynamics

Scalar electrodynamics
Spinor electrodynamics
Transition to many-particle theories
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