
The gapped state in Kondo semiconductors CeNiSn and CeRhSb has been investigated by measurements of nuclear-spin lattice relaxation rate, 1/ T 1 of 119Sn and 123Sb and Knight shift of 119Sn and 121Sb. The T-dependences of T 1 and the shift in both compounds have revealed a novel feature for the gap state at low- T. Especially, the former has established that the energy gap is of a pseudo type with a V-shaped structure, where the band width, D and the pseudogap, Δ were estimated to be D = 140 and 210 K and Δ = 14 and 28 K for CeNiSn and CeRhSb, respectively. At very low- T, the T 1 T = constant behavior has, however, been found in both compounds. The fact that the T 1 T = constant behavior appears from much higher- T in Ceni 1.01Sn and CeNi 0.97Co 0.03Sn suggest that impurities and/or imperfections yield a finite density of states at the Fermi level. Together with the Knight shift result, we highlight that the gapped state in Ce-based compounds belongs to a different class from the activated-type gap state in such as SmB 6 and YbB 12.

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