
Ionic conduction in a new type of one-dimensional ionic conductor, A x Ga 8Ga 8+ x Ti 16− x O 56 (AGGTO), was investigated using NMR. Mobile 87Rb and 133Cs nuclei and stationary 69Ga and 71Ga nuclei in the framework were used as the probes. Temperature dependence of the line shape of 87Rb indicates that Rb + ions are in a motionally averaged state with the asymmetry parameter η of about 0.1 and the quadrupole coupling parameter ν Q of −8.6 MHz. The fact that T ∗ 1 of the mobile 133Cs and the stationary 71Ga nucleus show similar temperature dependences in the measured temperature range in CGGTO indicates that the Ga nuclei are good probes for observing ionic motion in the channel. The slope d( lnT 1 ∗)/ d(1/kT) in the high temperature limit gives E NMR = 0.06 eV, which is about one half of that in KAl-priderite. The smaller value ( E NMR = 0.03 eV) in RGGTO corresponds to the result of ac conductivity that RGGTO shows the highest conductivity in AGGTO.

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