
Methylene blue (MB) – nucleic acid interactions are of considerable interest due to the photosensitizing activity of the dye with potential applications in medicine and biotechnology. Covalent attachment of the MB to an oligonucleotide through a flexible heptamethylene linker enabled a positioning of the dye moiety to specific sites through triplex formation with a target duplex. NMR studies demonstrated interactions of MB with the nucleic acids. In sequences with the MB moiety facing the triplex-duplex junction with an alternating CG duplex overhang next to a T·A·T triple-helical tract, proton resonances experienced severe linebroadening upon MB binding and point to kinetically labile complexes with exchange among different binding modes. For sequences with the MB moiety facing a terminal T·A·T base triad of the triplex tract, structural heterogeneity decreased when compared to a triplex without MB attached to the third strand. Also, the thermal stability of the latter construct increased significantly in the presence of MB, indicating external end stacking as predominant binding mode. Without any obvious disruptions of sequential imino-imino NOE contacts within the triplex and duplex tracts, a most favorable intercalation between T·A·T base triples or CG base pairs is not supported by the present data under our experimental conditions.

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