
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a robust method, which can rapidly analyze compounds or their mixtures in complex matrices without separating or purifying them. This makes the technique ideal for analysis of foods and related products. NMR continues to be an underutilized methodology in the area of food authentication and analysis, mainly due to the high cost, relatively low sensitivity, and the lack of NMR expertise among food analysts. The aim of this chapter is to explore the role of NMR methodologies in the field of food science with a special focus on analysis of food toxins. An introduction of the basic principles of NMR related to the study of foods and nutrients is given. This is followed by a detailed description of metabolomics studies. NMR with metabolomics studies together make a powerful methodology to address the challenges faced in food science. Furthermore, a comprehensive overview of their recent applications in the areas of compositional analysis, food authentication, quality control, and human nutrition is provided. In addition, use of NMR techniques in the analysis of potential food toxins is discussed. Finally, future perspective of the use NMR-based studies in the identification and characterization of food constituents and toxins is presented.

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