
We report transverse cw NMR measurements on the superfluid phases of3He at temperatures between 3 and 0.7 mK. Nuclear demagnetization of copper was used for refrigeration. For thermometry we employed pulsed NMR on platinum powder immersed in the liquid. The measurements on3He were carried out in two NMR coil assemblies in which the liquid was confined between parallel Mylar foils with separations of 0.37 mm and 4 µm. The transition temperatureT c was measured at pressures between 32 bars and the saturated vapor pressure; a pressure-independent increase of ∼11% was observed inT c with respect to earlier data obtained with the same apparatus. We found that our temperature scale is not proportional to that used in La Jolla. In the 4-µm stack we observe a reduction in the B → A transition temperature. In our measurements on the orientational anisotropy of the B phase we found qualitative agreement with the theory of Brinkman et al. We also measured the longitudinal resonance frequencies of the A and B phases between 32 bars and the polycritical point. In the 4-µm stack we found a negative NMR shift in the A phase when the field was oriented perpendicular to the Mylar plates, in agreement with the prediction of Takagi. The static susceptibility XB of the B phase was measured as a function of temperature at 18.7 and 29 bars; its low-temperature limiting value was observed to be (0.33±0.02)XN , independent of pressure. We use our data to estimate the strong coupling corrections to the size of the energy gap. The initial slope of the reduced gap in the A phase, ΔA/T c , was found to increase by ∼25% when the pressure increased from 21.1 bars to the melting curve, whereas in the low-temperature limit ΔB(0)/T c was found to be independent of pressure and close to its weak coupling value.

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