
To determine the involvement of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor in shock-motivated complex maze performance, the drug dizocilpine (DIZO; a.k.a. MK-801) was administered a) to naive, 3-month-old male F-344 rats prior to acquisition (AQ) in the 14-unit T-maze (Experiment 1), and b) to well-trained 11-month-old male F-344 rats prior to testing in a delayed-matching-to-sample (DMTS) task in the detour maze (Experiment 2). For Experiment 1, rats first were pretrained in a straight runway on one-way active avoidance (13/15 correct avoidances) for a maximum of 30 trials. On the following day, either DIZO 0.025 (n = 8), 0.05 (n = 8), 0.1 (n = 8), mg/kg, or saline (SAL; n = 15) was administered subcutaneously (SC) 20 min prior to 15 AQ trials in the shock-motivated 14-unit T-maze. The highest dose disrupted all measures of maze performance including errors, alternation errors, runtime, shock duration and frequency, but also produced marked motor ataxia. The 0.05-mg/kg group displayed significant impairment in AQ of this task but only on the cognitive measures, errors and alternation errors, and the 0.025-mg/kg group was impaired on the alternation measure only. One week later, the 15 SAL rats were divided into 2 groups and tested on retention with either SAL or 0.05 mg/kg DIZO. No effects on maze performance were observed. For Experiment 2, after receiving extensive pretraining in the shock-motivated detour maze, 7 rats were exposed to a novel sequence of 4 problems (P) during each of 7 daily sessions. Performance was evaluated 20 min after SC injection of either DIZO--0.025, 0.05, 0.125 mg/kg, or SAL. The 0.125-mg/kg dose caused extreme motor ataxia which precluded testing during that session. The 0.05-mg/kg but not the 0.025-mg/kg dose significantly disrupted performance on both error and trials to criterion measures. Both problem and interaction effects were significant. Disruption was most evident on two specific problems, those involving a side change from the first to second detour. Also, rats had more difficulty switching sides from problem to problem (few errors on P-1 and most on P-4), suggesting proactive interference effects. In sum, DIZO was observed to significantly disrupt performance in both mazes in a dose-related manner similar to effects observed in previous studies following administration of the anticholinergic drug scopolamine. For the 14-unit T-maze, the present results simulate age-related deficits previously found in acquisition of that task.

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