
global adquirida y MDR adquirida fueron 93,0% y 74,8%. La resistencia primaria por drogas fue H (42,1%), R (35,0%), S (35,3%), E (19,0%) y Z (24,5%) respectivamente; y la resistencia adquirida por drogas fueron H (85,3%), R (78,3%), S (64,4%), E (42,0%) y Z (46,2%). Conclusion: Los niveles resistencia a drogas antituberculosas y la MDR en pacientes con coinfeccion VIH-TB provenientes de hospitales de Lima son elevados. Palabras clave: Mycobacterium tuberculosis; VIH; Resistencia a drogas; Peru (fuente: DeCS BIREME). abStRaCt Objective:�Todetermineresistanceratestofirst-lineantituberculousdrugsinclinicalsamplesfrompatientsco-infected� withthehumanimmunodeficiencyvirus�(HIV)�andM.�tuberculosis�(TB)�infivehospitalsinLimabetween�1998-2000.� Materials and methods: A descriptive study including samples sent for culturing Mycobacterium tuberculosis in patients co-infected with HIV-TB. Susceptibility tests for isoniazid (H), streptomycin (S), ethambutol (E), and rifampin (R) were performed using the proportion method and Wayne's method for pyrazinamide (Z). Results: Out of 523 samples, 78,2% were from male patients, and 72,7% were from naive patients. Overall primary resistance and multidrug-resistance (MDR) rates were 55,8% and 32,1%, respectively; and overall acquired resistance and MDR rates were 93,0% and 74,8%, respectively. Primary resistance rates were: H, 42,1%; R, 35,0%; S, 35,3%; E, 19.0%, and Z, 24,5%, respectively; and acquired resistance rates were: h, 85,3%; R, 78,3%; S, 64,4%; E, 42,0%; and Z, 46,2%. Conclusion: There are high resistance rates to antituberculous drugs and MDR TB in patients co-infected with HIV and TB in Lima hospitals.

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