
In this paper we study spaces of level sets of holomorphic mappings. We give an elementary (i.e. we are using elementary means) proof of a theorem a special case of which is the following statement: Let τ: X→Y be a holomorphic mapping of the irreducible normal complex space into the reduced complex space Y, which degenerates nowhere; the last condition means in the present case all τ -level sets having the same dimension; a τ -level set is a connected component of a fibre τ−1(Q), Q e τ (X). Then the space Z of τ -level sets is a quasicomplex space and the natural mapping ϕ: X→Z which maps each P e X onto the τ -level set to which P belongs is open. If we substitute the assumption τ degenerating nowhere by the assumption τ having compact level sets, we get a space Z of level sets, which is a complex space. - The first part of this statement is a generalisation of a theorem of K. Stein, the second part is a special case of a theorem of H. Cartan and a well known theorem of H. Grauert on proper mappings. We will use our theorem in order to give a new proof of Grauert's theorem in a subsequent paper.

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