
Solid state atom-like systems have great promise for linear optic quantum computing and quantum communication but are burdened by phonon sidebands and broadening due to surface charges. Nevertheless, coupling to a small mode volume cavity would allow high rates of extraction from even highly dephased emitters. We consider the nitrogen vacancy centre in diamond, a system understood to have a poor quantum optics interface with highly distinguishable photons, and design a silicon nitride cavity that allows 99 % efficient extraction of photons at 200 K with an indistinguishability of > 50%, improvable by external filtering. We analyse our design using FDTD simulations, and treat optical emission using a cavity QED master equation valid at and beyond strong coupling and which includes both ZPL broadening and sideband emission. The simulated design is compact (< 10 um), and owing to its planar geometry, can be fabricated using standard silicon processes. Our work therefore points towards scalable fabrication of non-cryogenic atom-like efficient sources of indistinguishable photons.

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