
SummaryThe moisture use pattern and efficiency (MUE) of four barley cultivars (two hulled and two hull-less) were studied when the crops were grown in winter under unirrigated conditions at Varanasi, India, with different rates of application of nitrogen fertilizer. Increase in moisture use with age of the crop due to vegetative growth was recorded. Influence of varieties on consumptive use of water was found to be negligible except in the 1st year between 65 days after sowing and after harvest of the crop, when differences were due to differences in duration of the crop growth and rainfall which was received at the time of maturity. The moisture mining capacity of the barley crop from the profile (up to 120 cm) was increased with increase in the rate of nitrogen application. MUE of barley cultivars closely paralleled the grain yields, being more with hulled cultivars than hull-less ones. Higher MUE of barley was observed in the 2nd than in the 1st year of experimentation because of a better distribution of rainfall and moisture availability at the time of sowing, which boosted yields. Nitrogen application increased both yield and MUE of barley.

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