
The pulsed electron-electron double resonance (ELDOR) technique was employed to study nitroxide spin probes of three different sizes dissolved in glassy o-terphenyl. A microwave pulse applied to the central hyperfine structure (hfs) component of the nitroxide electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum was followed by two echo-detecting pulses of different microwave frequency to probe the magnetization transfer (MT) to the low-field hfs component. The MT between hfs components is readily related to flips in the nitrogen nuclear spin, which in turn are induced by molecular motion. The MT on the time scale of tens of microseconds was observed over a wide temperature range, including temperatures near and well below the glass transition. For a bulky nitroxide, it was found that MT rates approach dielectric α (primary) relaxation frequencies reported for o-terphenyl in the literature. For small nitroxides, MT rates were found to match the frequencies of dielectric β (secondary) Johari-Goldstein relaxation. The most probable motional mechanism inducing the nitrogen nuclear spin flips is large-angle angular jumps, between some orientations of unequal occupation probabilities. The pulsed ELDOR of nitroxide spin probes may provide additional insight into the nature of Johari-Goldstein relaxation in glassy media and may serve as a tool for studying this relaxation in substances consisting of non-rigid molecules (such as branched polymers) and in heterogeneous and non-polar systems (such as a core of biological membranes).

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