
We have investigated the nitrogen lattice location in MOVPE grown Ga 1- x In x N y As 1- y with x = 0.07 and y = 0.025 by means of ion beam channeling technique. In this system, the lattice constant of the Ga 1- x In x N y As 1- y film is equal to GaAs lattice. Therefore, we can grow apparently no strain, high quality and very thick GaInNAs film on GaAs substrate. The quality of the films as well as the lattice location of In and N were characterized by channeling Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and nuclear reaction analysis using 3.95 MeV He 2+ beam. The fraction of substitutional nitrogen in the film was measured using the 14 N (α, p )17 O endothermic nuclear reaction. Our results indicate that more than 90% of In and N atoms are located the substitutional site, however, N atoms are slightly displaced by ~0.2 Å from the lattice site. We suggest that the GaInNAs film has a local strain or point defects around the N atoms.

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