
Few measurements of nitrogen fixation exist for streams. Desertstreams are warm, well lighted, and often supportabundant cyanobacterial populations; thus N2 fixationmay be significant in these N-poor ecosystems. N2fixation was measured in situ by acetylene reductionfor two patch types (Anabaena mat and anepilithic assemblage). Patch-specific rates were highcompared with published values (maximum 775 µgN2 [83 µmol C2H4]mg chl a -1 h-1or 51 mg N2 [5.4 mmol C2H4] m-2 h-1).Daytime fixation was higher than nighttimefixation, and temperature, light and inorganic Nconcentration explained 52% of variance in hourlyrates over all dates. Diel input-output budgets wereconstructed on five dates when cyanobacteria werepresent in the stream. Diel N2 fixation rates weremeasured for comparison with reach-scale diel nitrogenretention, to assess the importance of this vector to Neconomy of the stream. Fixation accounted for up to85% of net N flux to the benthos, but its importancevaried seasonally. Finally, we applied biomass-specificfixation rates to 1992 and 1993 biomass data to obtainseasonal and annual N2 fixation estimates.Cyanobacteria were absent or rare during winter andspring, thus most of the annual N2 fixation occurredduring summer and autumn. Annual rates of nitrogenfixation for 1992 and 1993 (8.0 g/m2 and 12.5g/m2) were very high compared to other streams,and moderately high compared to other ecosystems.Like other phenomena in this disturbance-proneecosystem, nitrogen fixation is strongly influenced bythe number and temporal distribution of flood events.

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