
Nitrogen inputs, fluxes, internal generation and consumption, and outputs were monitored in a subalpine spruce-fir forest at approximately 1000-m elevation on Whiteface Mountain in the Adirondacks of New York, USA. Nitrogen in precipitation, cloudwater and dry deposition was collected on an event basis and quantified as an input. Throughfall, stemflow, litterfall and soil water were measured to determine fluxes within the forest. Nitrogen mineralization in the forest floor was estimated to determine internal sources of available N. Lower mineral horizon soil water was used to estimate output from the ecosystem. Vegetation and soil N pools were determined. During four years of continuous monitoring, an average of 16 kg N ha−1 yr−1 was delivered to the forest canopy as precipitation, cloudwater and dry deposition from the atmosphere. Approximately 30% of the input was retained by the canopy. Canopy retention is likely the result of both foliar uptake and immobilization by bark, foliage and microorganisms. Approximately 40 kg of N was made available within the forest floor from mineralization of organic matter. Virtually all the available ammonium (mineralized plus input from throughfall) is utilized in the forest floor, either by microorganisms or through uptake by vegetation. The most abundant N component of soil water solutions leaving the system was nitrate. Net ecosystem fluxes indicate accumulation of both ammonium and nitrate. There is a small net loss of organic N from the ecosystem. Some nitrate leaves the bottom of the B horizon throughout the year. Comparisons with other temperate coniferous sites and examination of the ecosystem N mass balance indicate that N use efficiency is less at our site, which suggests that the site is not severely limited by N.

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