
The C mineralization and N transformations during the decomposition of sunflower stalks (Helianthus annuus L.) and wheat straw (Triticum aestivum L.) with and without addition of (NH4)2SO4 (27.53 atom% 15N) were studied in a Vertisol. Soil samples were incubated under aerobic conditions for 224 days at 22 °C. The plant residues were added at a rate of 5.2 g kg-1 soil. Nitrogen was applied at a rate of 50.7 mg N kg-1 soil. Carbon dioxide emission and inorganic N content in soil were periodically determined. Gross N immobilization and remineralization were calculated on the basis of the isotopic dilution technique. At the end of the incubation period a 15N balance was established. Respectively, 68 and 45% of the applied residue-C mineralized from the sunflower stalks and wheat straw after 224 days. Both crop residues caused losses of up to 25% of added 15N after 224 days of incubation. These 15N losses were about three times larger than in the control soil, and were probably due to denitrification. The net immobilization of soil derived N following residue incorporation was largest in the case of wheat straw, depleting all soil inorganic N. In the wheat straw treatment with added (NH4)2SO4 soil inorganic N remained available, resulting in an enhanced initial C mineralization and N immobilization compared to the treatment without added N. In the case of the sunflower stalks, the high inorganic N content of the stalks suppressed the effects of N addition on C mineralization and N immobilization/mineralization. Gross N immobilization amounted to 31.9 and 28.2 mg N g-1 added C after 14 days for wheat straw and sunflower stalks, respectively. At the end of the incubation, about 35% of the newly immobilized N was remineralized in both plant residue treatments. Gross N immobilization plotted against decomposed C suggests that fairly uniform C-N relationships exist during the decomposition of divers C substrates. The results demonstrate that low fertilizer N use efficiencies may be expected in a wheat-sunflower cropping system with incorporation of crop residues, as the fertilizer N applied becomes largely immobilized in the soil organic fraction.

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