
The use of N and P by mixed and by sole cropping (crop rotation) of maize and cowpeas were compared in a field experiment on an Alfisol at the Nyankpala Agricultural Experiment Station in the northern Guinea Savanna of Ghana, using two levels of N (0 and 80 kg N ha-1 year-1 as urea) and P application (0 and 60 kg P ha-1 year-1 as Volta phosphate rock). Maize grain yields were significantly reduced in the mixed cropping system. This yield difference became smaller with the application of N and P fertilizer. The N and P concentrations in maize ear leaves at silking indicated that a deficiency in N and P contributed to the maize yield depression in mixed cropping. Competition for soil and fertilizer N between maize and cowpeas was suggested by: (1) A similarity in total N uptake between the two cropping systems; (2) efficient use of soil nitrate by the cowpeas; and (3) low N2 fixation by the cowpeas, calculated with the aid of an extended-difference method. In general, N2 fixation was low, with the highest values in the sole cropping (53 kg ha-1) and a substantial reduction in the mixed cropping system. The application of N fertilizer further reduced N2 fixation. This was substantiated by nodule counts. The lower N2 fixation in the mixed cropping system was only partly explained by the lower density of cowpeas in this system. In addition, dry spells during the cropping season and shading by the maize component could have reduced the nodulation efficiency. No N transfer from the legume/rhizobium to the non-legume crop was observed. Impaired P nutrition in the mixed compared with the sole-cropped maize might have been due to less P mobility in the soil. This was indicated by lower soil moisture contents in the topsoil under mixed cropping, especially during the dry year of 1986. The results show that mixed cropping of maize and cowpeas did not lead to improved use of soil and fertilizer N and P or to an enhanced N2 fixation. On the contrary, an annual rotation of maize and cowpeas was clearly superior.

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