
Summary 1. The internal cycling of nitrogen (N) is a critical process in terrestrial ecosystems. Nitrification occurs when soil microbes convert ammonium to nitrate. Nitrification is known to be regulated by abiotic soil properties, but less is known about how plant communities influence this important ecosystem function. 2. Two contrasting hypotheses propose mechanisms for how communities influence ecosystem processes. The ‘mass ratio hypothesis’ proposes that dominant species control ecosystem processes, e.g. communities dominated by plants with high leaf N content may increase rates of N cycling. The ‘diversity hypothesis’ proposes that community diversity controls ecosystem processes, e.g. diverse communities may increase rates of N cycling by providing a more consistent supply of organic N as variable litter qualities break down at different rates. Each hypothesis was simultaneously evaluated using structural equation modelling in the context of a ponderosa pine forest. 3. The first principle component extracted from a species–trait matrix captured interspecific covariation in leaf traits such as specific leaf area and leaf N content. This ‘leaf economics spectrum’was scaled to the community-level by calculating community-weighted mean leaf trait axis scores. Quadratic entropy was used as the index of understorey functional diversity to capture variation in functional traits within the community. 4. Structural equation modelling results suggest that soil factors, such as pH, temperature, C:N mass ratio and total N were the dominant factors exerting direct control over nitrification potential. Understorey leaf traits were positively associated with nitrification potential, suggesting that high-quality litter inputs increase rates of nitrification. The negative indirect effects of pine abundance on nitrification mediated through soil properties were much stronger than the direct effect of understorey leaf traits. 5. Synthesis. The leaf economics spectrum is an important gradient of functional trait variation that has consequences for internal N cycling. Nitrification potential was more strongly linked to dominant leaf traits than to functional diversity, thereby lending more support to the mass ratio hypothesis. However, functional diversity still explained some of the observed variation in biomass production. Leaf traits can be used to understand how internal N cycling rates will be affected by changes in vegetation structure.

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