
In this article, we review our recent studies on new rare-earth intermetallic compounds including the Ga, Si substituted 2:17-type compounds, their nitrides, carbides, and the Sm3 (Fe,Ti)29N5 compounds. Much of our recent work is focused on the Sm2(Fe,Ga)17Cx alloys where we used melt spinning and subsequent annealing to obtain high coercivity. The highest coercivity obtained so far was in Sm2Fe14Ga3C2.5 with a value of 12.8 kOe at room temperature. The off-stoichiometric Sm2Fe14-xCoxSi2Ny nitrides maintain the Th2Zn17-type structure but with a unit-cell expansion ΔVV up to 5 % compared to the host materials. The Sm2Fe14-xCoxSi2Cz carbides maintain the Tr2Zn17-type structure when z = 1 and transform to the BaCd11-type structure when z = 2. A very large anisotropy field with an applied magnetic field (Ha) value of 227 kOe for Sm2Fe14Si2N2.6 and 276 kOe for Sm2Fe10Co4Si2N2.3 is observed at low temperature (1.5 K). The Sm3(Fe,Ti)29N5 compound and its nitrides show very interesting magnetic properties. Both of these compounds exhibit ferromagnetic ordering with Curie temperature (Tc) of 486 and 750 K, respectively. The room temperature saturation magnetization is 119 emu/g for the parent compounds and 145 emu/g for the nitrides. The easy magnetization direction changes from planar to uniaxial upon nitrogenation. The anisotropy field for the nitrides is 12 T at room temperature and 25 T at 4.2 K.

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