
The acute administration of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis inhibitors reduces the renal capacity to excrete sodium under normal or volume expanded conditions and increases renovascular resistances in the absence of changes in systemic blood pressure (BP). This indicates a sensitivity of renal vasculature higher than that of systemic vessels to NO synthesis inhibition. Medullary ycirculation is the renovascular territory most dependent on NO availability. Thus, alterations in medullary blood flow seems to account for the blunted pressure-natriuresis and sodium retention during acute NO synthesis inhibition. By contrast, during chronic administration of l-arginine analogs, systemic BP rises and overrides initial sodium retention by a resetting of the pressure-natriuresis relationship. This BP increase appears to be dependent on an overexpression of the actions of vasoconstrictor systems due to an imbalance created by the diminished NO production. Prolonged NO synthesis inhibition not only elevates BP, but also produces renal vascular and parenchymal damage. Antihypertensive therapy impedes BP elevation and ameliorates kidney deterioration. Finally, there is evidence of the possibility that a certain alteration in the l-arginine-NO pathway exists in genetic models and in human essential hypertension. In conclusion, according to the data contained in the literature, NO plays a significant role in the regulation of systemic and renal hemodynamics and excretory function, and could participate in the development of hypertension.

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