
Aim. This work is devoted to intra-population variability of Botlikh Nitraria schoberi L. (Nitrariaceae). Methods. As the research materials, were used the vegetative and generative organs (shoot, leaf, fruit, seed) collected in 2013 in the natural population of N. schoberi L. on the western micro slopes of the south outskirts of Botlikh village. Results. The studied specimens of Nitraria schoberi L. differ both in absolute terms of features as well as their degree of variability. This may be due to the microenvironment for growing as well as genetic and age features. The two-way analysis of variance showed that the significance of differences between the bushes and shoots in the number of internodes and the number of leaves was confirmed at a high level of significance. One-way ANOVA test showed significant interbush differences by the weight of fruits and seeds. All features of the vegetative organs have high variability while features of the generative organs are characterized by low variation. Conclusion. Research revealed the dependence of intrapopulation interbush variation more on the type of shoot (generative or vegetative) than on the characteristics of the bushes themselves. By the features of the fruit, the greatest contribution in intrapopulation interbush variation is made by weight, environmentally more sensitive features than linear features which are more constant.

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