
Nowadays it is widely accepted that the bioinformatics data analysis is a r eal b ottleneck i n many r esearch act ivities r elated t o l ife s ciences. H ighthroughput t echnologies l ike N ext Generation S equencing (NGS) ha ve completely r eshaped t he bi ology a nd bi oinformatics l andscape. U ndoubtedly NGS has allowed important progress in many life-sciences related fields but has also p resented i nteresting ch allenges i n t erms o f co mputation cap abilities an d algorithms. M any kinds o f ta sks r elated w ith N GS d ata a nalysis, as w ell as other bioinformatics data analysis, can be computed in a parallel, independent way; taking the maximum advantage o f this can obviously help in leveraging the analysis bottleneck. Given the way NGS data is generated scalability plays also an important role in its a nalysis. N GS da ta i s not generated i n a c ontinous fashion but i n a ba tch way, t hus t he co mputation n eeds can b e d ramatically d ifferent at d ifferent points. Cloud c omputing pr ovides a pe rfect framework for s ystems with t hese t wo requirements: parallel and scalable. Besides, it allows adjusting the computation power on demand, a nd t hus n ot be ing a ttached t o ( and pa ying f or) a f ixed compute infrastructure. Nispero is a Scala library for declaring stateless computations and scaling them using c loud c omputing, i n pa rticular a c ombination of s ervices f rom AWS (Amazon Web Services). Some highlights are: • strongly typed configuration based on Scala code • CRDT-like semantics ( a n ispero i nstance i s es sentially a morphism between idempotent commutative monoids) • automatic deploy/undeploy Nispero r elies on t he E C2 s ervice ( Elastic C ompute C loud) t o carry out t he computations, on the S3 service (Simple Storage Service) for data storage and on S QS ( Simple Q ueue S ervice) a nd S NS ( Simple N otification S ervice) for communication between the different system components. A Nispero system is composed by: • a 'console' instance that tracks at any moment the status of the whole system g iving t he us er t he opp ortunity t o c heck a t a ny poi nt the current status of the computations, workers, etc. • a 'manager' i nstance that i s i n charge of deploying and undeploying the group of workers Proceedings IWBBIO 2014. Granada 7-9 April, 2014 1414 • a s et o f ' workers' t hat p erforms t he co mputations/tasks i n a p arallel, independent way • SQS queues for 'input', 'output' and 'error' messages • S3 objects for 'input' and 'output' files The lifecycle of a Nispero system is simple but robust. It starts with the launch of the 'console' and 'manager' instances, the 'manager' then takes the tasks from an S 3 o bject, publishes t hem i n a S QS que ue a nd l aunches t he workers. The workers t ake the messages with the t asks from the corresponding SQS queue (i.e. the 'input' queue) in an independent, parallel way. Once they have finished the computation they put the results of the computation in S3 objects, publish a message i n t he ' output' S QS queue a nd de lete t he i nput m essage o f t he corresponding task from the 'input' queue. Nispero is an open-source project released under AGPLv3 license. The source code is available at https://github.com/ohnosequences/nispero This project is funded in part by the ITN FP7 project INTERCROSSING (Grant 289974).

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