
ABSTRACT SWIMS (Simultaneous-color Wide- eld Infrared Multi-object Spectrograph) is a near-infrared imager and multi-object spectrograph as one of the rst generation instruments for the University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory(TAO) 6.5m telescope. In this paper, we describe an array control system of SWIMS and results of detectornoise performance evaluation. SWIMS incorporates four (and eight in future) HAWAII-2RG focal plane arraysfor detectors, each driven by readout electronics components: a SIDECAR ASIC and a JADE2 Card. Thereadout components are controlled by a HAWAII-2RG Testing Software running on a virtual Windows machineon a Linux PC called array control PC. All of those array control PCs are then supervised by a SWIMS controlPC. We have developed an \array control software which runs on the array control PC to control theHAWAII-2RG Testing Software, and consists of a socket client and a dedicated server called device manager.The client runs on the SWIMS control PC, and the device manager runs on the array control PC. An exposurecommand, issued by the client on the SWIMS control PC, is sent to the multiple device managers on the arraycontrol PCs, and then multiple HAWAII-2RGs are driven simultaneously. Using this system, we evaluate readoutnoise performances of the detectors, both in a test dewar and in a SWIMS main dewar. In the test dewar, wecon rm the readout noise to be 4.3 e r.m.s. by 32 times multiple sampling when we operate only a singleHAWAII-2RG, whereas in the case of simultaneous driving of two HAWAII-2RGs, we still obtain suciently lowreadout noise of  10 e r.m.s.. In the SWIMS main dewar, although there are some di erences between thedetectors, the readout noise is measured to be 4 :1{4 :6 e r.m.s. with simultaneous driving by 64 times multiplesampling, which meets the requirement for background-limited observations in J band of  14 e r.m.s..Keywords: HAWAII-2RG, SWIMS, near-infrared, TAO

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