
Nioboaeschynite-(Ce), ideally Ce(NbTi)O6 [cerium(III) niobium(V) titanium(IV) hexa­oxide; refined formula of the natural sample is Ca0.25Ce0.79(Nb1.14Ti0.86)O6], belongs to the aeschynite mineral group which is characterized by the general formula AB 2(O,OH)6, where eight-coordinated A is a rare earth element, Ca, Th or Fe, and six-coordinated B is Ti, Nb, Ta or W. The general structural feature of nioboaeschynite-(Ce) resembles that of the other members of the aeschynite group. It is characterized by edge-sharing dimers of [(Nb,Ti)O6] octa­hedra which share corners to form a three-dimensional framework, with the A sites located in channels parallel to the b axis. The average A—O and B—O bond lengths in nioboaeschynite-(Ce) are 2.471 and 1.993 Å, respectively. Moreover, another eight-coordinated site, designated as the C site, is also located in the channels and is partially occupied by A-type cations. Additionally, the refinement revealed a splitting of the A site, with Ca displaced slightly from Ce (0.266 Å apart), presumably resulting from the crystal-chemical differences between the Ce3+ and Ca2+ cations.


  • Niobium(V) titanium(IV) hexaoxide; refined formula of the natural sample is Ca0.25Ce0.79(Nb1.14Ti0.86)O6], belongs to the aeschynite mineral group which is characterized by the general formula AB2(O,OH)6, where eight-coordinated A is a rare earth element, Ca, Th or Fe, and six-coordinated B is Ti, Nb, Ta or W

  • The general structural feature of nioboaeschynite-(Ce) resembles that of the other members of the aeschynite group. It is characterized by edge-sharing dimers of [(Nb,Ti)O6] octahedra which share corners to form a threedimensional framework, with the A sites located in channels parallel to the b axis

  • The refinement revealed a splitting of the A site, with Ca displaced slightly from Ce (0.266 Å apart), presumably resulting from the crystal-chemical differences between the Ce3+ and Ca2+

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Crystal data

4th Street, Tucson, Arizona 85721-0077, USA, bLunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, 1629 E. University Boulevard, Tucson, AZ 85721-0092, USA, and c122 Dublin. The general structural feature of nioboaeschynite-(Ce) resembles that of the other members of the aeschynite group. It is characterized by edge-sharing dimers of [(Nb,Ti)O6] octahedra which share corners to form a threedimensional framework, with the A sites located in channels parallel to the b axis. The average A—O and B—O bond lengths in nioboaeschynite-(Ce) are 2.471 and 1.993 Å, respectively. Another eight-coordinated site, designated as the C site, is located in the channels and is partially occupied by A-type cations.

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