
1 The Nine Books By Teilhard: Letters from Paris, 1912-1914, introduction by Henri de Lubac, S. J., annotation by Auguste Demoment and Henri de Lubac, S. J., translated by Michael Mazzarese, New York: Herder & Herder, 1967, 157 pp., $3.95. Writings in Time of War, translated by Rene Hague, edited with introductions and notes by Henri de Lubac and Bruno de Solages, New York-Evanston: Harper & Row, 1968, 315 pp., $5.95. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin/Maurice Blondel Correspondence, notes and commentary by Henri de Lubac, S. J., translated by William Whitman, New York: Herder & Herder, 1967, 174 pp., $4.95. About Teilhard: N. M. Wildiers, An Introduction to Teilhard de Chardin, translated by Hubert Hoskins, preface by Christopher Mooney, S.J., New York-Evanston: Harper & Row, 1968, 191 pp., $600. Christopher F. Mooney, S.J., Teilhard de Chardin and the Mystery of Christ, New York-Evanston: Harper & Row, 1966, 288 pp. Robert L. Faricy, S.J., Teilhard de Chardin's Theology of the Christian in the World, New York: Sheed & Ward, 1967, xviii+235 pp., $6.00. Sister Maria Gratia Martin, I.H.M., The Spirituality of Teilhard de Chardin, New York: Newman, 1968, xii+ 122 pp., $4.95. Emile Rideau, S.J., The Thought of Teilhard de Chardin, translated by Rene Hague (New York-Evanston: Harper & Row, 1967, 672 pp., $12.50. Henri de Lubac, S.J., The Religion of Teilhard de Chardin, translated by Rene Hague, New York: Desclee, 1967, 380 pp., $5.95. 2 Mooney's introduction to the Wildiers volume contains a good brief bibliographical discussion of Teilhard's writings and the literature about him. Fr. Mooney's, Fr. Faricy's and Sr. Martin's volumes have bibliographical lists of primary and secondary sources. Fr. Mooney's is chronological and rather full. A complete bibliography of Teilhard's writings can be found in Claude Cuenot's biography, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Paris: Plon, 1958; Eng. trans., Teilhard de Chardin, Baltimore: Helicon Press, 1965. Sr. Martin's book has a glossary of Teilhard's terms and Fr. Rideau has an appendix discussing vocabulary, language and style. a Written in the late twenties, Teilhard was prevented by his superiors from publishing it during his lifetime. It was brought out in French in Paris in 1957, and in English in 1960, trans. B. Wall, A. Dru, N. Lindsay, D. MacKinnon et al., New York: Harper & Bros.

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