
Islamic education is a process of transferring knowledge, values, and skills of students provided by an educator through a teaching process based on Islamic religious values. One form of Islamic education is the activity of sima'an al-Qur'an. Even though there are several obstacles in it, this activity needs to be preserved in Islamic boarding schools with the aim of maintaining and improving the quality of students' memorization.
 This research uses a type of field research using a qualitative descriptive approach. This research is located at the An-Nour Al-Islamy Kesugihan Islamic Boarding School, Cilacap. The subjects in this study were Islamic boarding school caretakers and students. Data related to research were obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. While the data analysis used is data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusions.
 Based on the data analysis that the researchers did, it concluded that the value of faith education, the value of religious education, and the value of moral education. The value of faith education is increasing the faith of students through sima'an al-Qur'an activities, students always carry out God's commands and stay away from His prohibitions. Meanwhile, in the value of worship education, sima'an activities are not only rewarded by the reader, but also by the listeners. The value of moral education is that students apply good morals to fellow students in sima'an activities, for example listeners respect readers, by not chatting alone when sima'an activities take place.

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