
<p><em>Balinese literature is the result of people's thinking using Balinese language as their communication media and its contents about the social life style seen from its imaginative realm. Geguritan is one form of Bali Purwa Literature which until now geguritan still live and grow to accompany the people of Bali.</em><em> Penelitian ini mengkaji salah satu geguritan yakni geguritan Dewi Durgandhini. </em><em>Based on the above background then in this study there are two formulation issues to be discussed, namely: </em><em>(1) what is the formal and narrative structure that exists in the stirring of Dewi Durgandhini? (2) how is the value of character education in Degan Durgandhini's geguritan? This study aims to find out the formal structure and narrative, the value of character education. To answer the problem formulation the researcher uses two theories namely structural theory, value theory. Structural theory to analyze the formal structure and narrative structure of Geguritan Dewi Durgandhini. Value Theory to analyze the Educational Values Character that exists in the Geguritan Dewi Durgandhini Method used in the research is the method of literature and method of documentation, and data have been collected analyzed sesui steps such as reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The data that have been analyzed is presented by informal method because it is presented using words, sentences and language from general to special or deductive-inductive. </em><em></em></p><p><em>The results of research Durgi Durgandhini geguritan are as follows: structurally Geguritan Dewi Durgandhini consists of formal structure and narrative structure. </em><em>The formal structure which includes: a) the language and literary codes in which there are deviations in the language, b) the variety of languages, in the warrior Goddess Durgandhini uses two languages namely: (Bali Base Alus and Base Bali Rough) and uses a bit of ancient Javanese language to complete onalaya, c) Language Style, which uses two styles of language namely: like and parable. Narrative structure consisting of incident, plot, characterizations figures, background. The second discussion is the value of character education contained in Degger Durgandhini's geguritan which consists of religus, religious values are told when the self-control and the sense of devotion. Honestly, honest value is implemented with Dasabala. Tolerance, the value of tolerance is done by Ida Prabu who has taken a son who is where the child is a big fish. Discipline, the value of discipline here is told Ida Prabu obedient to implement tapa brata. Hard work, hard value done I Paksi Cyena. Curiosity, the value of curiosity that existed in the warriors Dewi Durgandhini done by Dewi Durgandhini who find out who can treat himself. Love peace, peace love here implemented by Dasabala. Care for the environment, told by the author about the beautiful environment. Social care, social care value implemented by Bagawan Parasara.</em></p>

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