
ABSTRACTChanges in education in modern society in the era of the expectation that is in accordance with the needs of the community, especially to meet the needs in the field of education through the inculcation of Islamic values in the teaching and learning process of students. Islamic education is expected to be an education that is not only as knowledge but Islamic education must be able to be applied to personal learners to the fullest as Muhaimin said that Islamic education that is currently underway in several Islamic educational institutions is more dominant in the transfer of knowledge, while the practical aspects are not serious maximum attention. the transfer of knowledge is very important but far more important is the practice of science itself through Islamic values.Basically, Islamic education is sourced from the Al-Qur'an and Hadith therefore a person who wants to develop the concept of Islamic education must base on the Al-Qur'an and Hadith in an Islamic-based educational institution starting from the stake holders of existing Islamic educational institutions, Therefore, in applying Islamic education there must be Islamic values that must be carried out continuously, so that Islamic education can be applied by stakeholders in Islamic-based institutions, so that these values can become a culture that must be implemented in the environment of Islamic education institutions with such institutions can be good and advanced in the eyes of society or government.Studying KH. Salahudin Wahid Hasyim in the concept of Islamic education, he tried to present the concept of Islamic education through Islamic values that originate from the Qur'an and hadith, such as sincerity, honesty, responsibility, hard work and tolerance (tasamuh). These values must be implemented in the world of Islamic education and Islamic education institutions. Islamic education which is based on the values of the Koran and Hadith provides an opportunity for all students to be directly involved in developing their abilities and talents, so that students are able to become good human beings, have good morals and have active, creative and innovative abilities in accordance with values - the value of good Islamic education.��Keywords: Islamic Education Value, KH. Salahudin Wahid


  • Changes in education in modern society in the era of the expectation that is in accordance with the needs

  • able to be applied to personal learners

  • fullest as Muhaimin said that Islamic education

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SMA Negeri I yang populer dengan sebutan

Penekanan pada nilai-nilai akhlak dalam mengambil keputusan selalu dilaksanakan baik secara kecil(musyawarah antara santri, antar pengurus kamar dan pembina pondok) atau sekala menengah antar unit-unit sekolah /madrasah dengan penjamin mutu) sekala agak besar (antara bidang-bidang yang satu dengan biang yang lain, unit-unit pendidikan dan antar bidang) maupun sekala besar yang melibatkan dzuriyah pesantren Tebuireng. Pola pikir keliru dan lemahnya mental mentalitas budaya bersih tersebut menjadi pekerjaana besar K.H. Salahudin Wahid diawal kepemimpinanya tidak salah beliau mengatakan, terdapat beberapa tantangan yang harus dihadapi oleh pesantren secara umum, setidaknya, dalam pengamatan saya: Pertama persoalan mutu pondok pesantren. Itu semua menunjukan bahwa ibadah mahdhah tidak sejalan/sejiwa dengan dengan ibadah sosial adalah tanggung jawab kita bersama khususnya lembaga pendidikan Islam untuk membangun apa yang oleh Bung Karno dikatakan sebagai national and character bulding yang saat ini melemah. Responsibility (tanggung jawab; 4) Justice and Fairness (Adil dan seimbang); 5) Caring (perhatian dan kasih sayang); dan 6) Civic virtue and Citizenship (Sikap warga negara yang baik). (Salahudin Wahid, 2011:25)

Pendidikan karakter menurut Prof
Salahudin Wahid nilai pendidikan islam yang sudah diimplementasikan di Pesantren
Hasyim Pembaharuan Pendidikan
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