
Spirited Away is an animation made by Ghibli Studio on 2001 under Hayao Miyazaki direction. This movie awarded as The Best Animation by The 75th Academy Award. This movie tells about the journey of Chihiro, the protagonist who’s been “spirited away” to the spirit world. There’s a significant difference on the visual and surounding of the scene when Chihiro went inside the spirit world through the gate in the beginning of the movie and when she’s back from that world at the ending. Even it’s pretty clear that it is the same place, but the gate, the colors, material, and the environment seems to be different. This visual generate a long controversy, include of how excactly the story end. Question arise of the significant distinction on the visual of the gate between the scenes, like why on the beginning the color of the gate is red with some characteristic of Shinto’s Temple architectural, but then the gate at the ending is white and made from stone piles. Hayao Miyazaki as creator of the movie has never explicitely answer the question on this matter. This qualitative study using visual examination method on colors and material of the gates, from the perspective of Shinto’s and Japanese architecture, to know the reason behind the importance of differentiating the visual of the gates in the beginning and the ending of the movie.

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