
Aswaja and NU's Education taught in Nahdlatul Ulama educational institutions, especially for junior high school / MTs are directed to maintain, preserve, develop and practice Ahlu al-Sunnah Wal Jama'ah Islam teachings and conduct activities aimed at to create the benefit of society, the progress of the nation and the height of human dignity and dignity that can be understood very in tune with the values of multicultural education. The values of multicultural education include: (1) the value of democracy, equity and justice; (2) the value of humanity, togetherness, and peace; and (3) social attitudes, namely: recognition, acceptance and appreciation to others is very appropriate and all of which are covered in Aswaja and NU's educational content for junior high school / MTs, ie al-ta'awun, al-tawasuth, al-i'tidal, al-tasamuh, al-tawazun, and amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, and ukhuwah baikukhuwah nahdliyah, islamiyah, wathaniyah, basyariyah and then embodied in the form of mabadi 'khaira ummat which originated from al-shidqu norm, al -aahah wa al-wafa bi al-'ahdi, al-'adalah, al-ta'awun and al-istiqamah.Hal affirms that the practice of Aswaja and NU's education is taught in educational institutions within the organization Nahdlatul Ulama very inclusive. Internally, education in Nahdlatul Ulama 'organization has been proven to have introduced multicultural values to its students both in terms of doctrine of the teachings, as well as in terms of the daily life experiences of the students. Externally, these multicultural values are also socialized and made into principles in establishing social relationships with communities and other groups outside Nahdlatul Ulama's educational institutions'.
 Keywords: Values of Multicultural Education, Aswaja Subjects and Nuns, SMP / MTs.


  • NU's Education taught in Nahdlatul Ulama educational institutions

  • practice Ahlu al-Sunnah Wal Jama'ah Islam teachings and conduct activities aimed at to create the benefit of society

  • all of which are covered in Aswaja

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Kompetensi Dasar

2.4 Menunjukkan sikap moderat dan percaya diri (at-tawasuth wal-i’tidal) sebagai warga Nahdlatul Ulama. 2.4 Menunjukkan sikap konsisten (al-istiqomah), moderat (attawasuth),dan percaya diri (al-i’tidal) terhadap sesame muslim sebagai hikmah amalan hari Tasu’a, ‘Asyura, dan 10 Muharram 3.1 Menghayati nilai-nilai ahlussunnah wal jamaah dengan meningkatkan ketaatan beribadah. Kompetensi Dasar Ma’ruf Nahi Munkar 4.3 Menunjukkan sikap moderat dan percaya diri (at-tawasuth wal-i’tidal) sebagai warga Nahdlatul Ulama 1.1 Menghayati nilai-nilai ahlussunnah wal jamaah 1.2 Meyakini kebenaran dalil-dalil tentang sampainya pahala amal/kirim doa kepada orang yang meninggal. 1.3 Meyakini kebenaran ideology Nahdlatul Ulama tentang sunnah dan bid’ah 2.1 Membiasakan bersikap konsisten (al-istiqomah), moderat (attawasuth), dan percaya diri (i’tidal), dalam memahami perbedaan firqah dalam islam 2.2 Menunjukkan sikap toleran (tasamuh) terhadap perbedaan ajaran firqah-firqah dalam islam. Maka jelaslah bahwa nilai-nilai pendidikan multikultural yang ada dan diajarkan pada mata pelajaran Aswaja dan Ke-NU-an untuk siswa SMP dan MTs bisa dilihat pada tabel berikut: Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Multikultural dalam Mata Pelajaran Aswaja dan Ke-NU-an SMP/MTs

Nilai Pendidikan Multikultural
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