
This article elaborated on the educational value of Burdah reading in Gorontalo and described the implementation of Burdah reading tradition in Gorontalo, where various activities were usually carried out, for example at assemblies or at the stages before wedding ceremony. In general, the indigenous people of Gorontalo, in the traditional stages before their wedding, only performed the Saronde dance after holding recitation. This was different from Arabian ethnic in Gorontalo. They preferred to read Burdah and Barzanji. The results showed that the reading of Burdah was one of the traditions carried out with a traditional pattern and was upheld by the people of Gorontalo, especially the Arab ethnic group. This was because that the Arabian ethnic people of Gorontalo made Burdah as a tradition that should not be abandoned in every ceremony, especially in wedding ceremonies, circumcision, and the Prophet's birthday. Likewise with other activities, for example when a family was suffering from a disease in the hope that they could get a cure. The educational values in reading Burdah included: first, the cultural value of Burdah tradition was implemented in the form of religious teaching through customary traditions; second, religious values in the tradition of Burdah reading contained religious teachings to strengthen faith and piety; third, the social value of the tradition of Burdah reading was in a form of religious teaching to familiarize each other with maintaining friendship, respecting and remaining united in Islamic brotherhood.


  • This article elaborated on the educational value of Burdah reading in Gorontalo and described the implementation of Burdah reading tradition in Gorontalo, where various activities were usually carried out, for example at assemblies or at the stages before wedding ceremony

  • The results showed that the reading of Burdah was one of the traditions carried out with a traditional pattern and was upheld by the people of Gorontalo, especially the Arab ethnic group

  • Tradisi Perayaan Isra’ Mi’raj Dalam Budaya Islam Lokal Masyarakat Gorontalo

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Setiap individu tidak dapat lepas dari budaya, karena hal itu merupakan kekhasan yang membedakan kelompok yang satu dengan kelompok yang lainnya (Fadhilla, 2013). Pembacaannyapun sudah menjadi kebiasaan paling populer dalam khazanah sastra Islam, bangsa Arab sehingga menjadikan Burdah isinya sajak-sajak pujian kepada Nabi sebagai tradisi dalam kehidupan keseharian. Setelah sesuai dengan kaidah-kaidah syair seperti membacakan qasidah Burdah yang dibuatnya, adanya emosi, imajinasi, gagasan, bentuk dan. Hal ini dapat dipahami bahwa sastra juga merupakan suatu alat yang sangat baik untuk menyampaikan ajaran agama. Lain halnya dengan etnis Arab, Pacar adalah acara khusus bagi pengantin perempuan yang diawali dengan pembacaan qasidah Burdah kemudian diselingi dengan hiburan khas Arab dan diiringi tarian-tarian Arab berupa zamrah oleh teman-teman maupun kerabat dari calon mempelai wanita. Di saat ada hajatan tertentu, misalnya hendak menempati rumah baru, atau ketika tradisi situasi krisis dan bencana seperti serangan wabah penyakit, syair ini dibaca secara berjamaah sebagai bagian dari ritual untuk mendatangkan kesembuhan dan mengusir malapetaka. Khususnya masyarakat Gorontalo yang berketurunan Arab, mereka mengadakan burudah pada acara pernikahan

Tinjauan Pustaka
Metodologi Penelitian
Burdah dalam
Kesimpulan “Ence Sulaiman” pada Masyarakat
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