
Social systems theory and, more particularly, concepts like autopoesis, self-referentiality, autonomy, have been the subject of intensive discussion in the social sciences during the last decades of the 20th century. Niklas Luhmann was among the first who recognized the need to incorporate the theory of autopoesis into his evolutionary study of law. In this article, I re-examine Luhmann’s theoretical analysis of the concept of law in the light of a general theory of social systems. His theoretical development focuses on the legal system as an autopoietic and self-referential system. Luhmann argues that the legal system is normatively closed, because it produces its own elements as legally relevant units and, at the same time, it is a cognitively open as it remains oriented to its environment despite its “closedness”. The present study reviews and comments upon key concepts in Luhmann theory which include autopoietic system, normatively closed and cognitively open systems, environment, legal system, expectations, norms, and binary code. Although Rottleuthner and others have criticised Luhmann for his great passion to theoretical abstractions, the author of this article thinks that Luhmann deserves our attention as an important contemporary representative of systems science in sociology.


  • who recognized the need to incorporate the theory of autopoesis into his evolutionary study

  • His theoretical development focuses on the legal system

  • Luhmann argues that the legal system is normatively closed

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Niklaso Luhmanno autopoezës teorijos pritaikymas teisës sistemai

Ðiame straipsnyje bandoma atsakyti á klausimà, kas yra teisë ir jos sistema, remiantis Niklaso Luhmanno, kuris yra vienas ið pagrindiniø sistemø mokslo atstovø, poþiûriu. Pagrindinis autopoezës reikalavimas yra tas, kad teisë turi bûti ávardijama kaip autonomiðka ir ið esmës savi-referentinë komunikacinë sistema. Kad teisë kaip struktûra ir visuomenë kaip socialinë sistema gali bûti tyrinëjamos pagal tarpusavio priklausomybës santyká. Luhmannas (1994: 357) iðskyrë dvi svarbias sàvokas, kurios padeda suprasti teisës socialiná pobûdá: 1) sistemos diferenciacijos teorijà, pagrástà bendrøjø sistemø teorija; ir 2) prielaidà, kad diferenciacija yra galima tik savi-referentinëje uþdaroje sistemoje. Kad jis bando pasitelkti abstrakèiø sistemø modelá, kur pagrindinis vienetas yra ne socialinis veiksmas (kaip Parsonso teorijoje), bet komunikacijos funkcija socialinëse sistemose (Prychitko 1991: 88). Nëra hierarchiðkai struktûrizuotø klasiniø visuomeniø, bet egzistuoja funkciðkai diferencijuotos - politinë, teisinë, ekonominë sistemos, religija, iðsimokslinimas, menas ir t.t. Luhmanno tikslas - bendrà autopoetiniø sistemø teorijà pritaikyti teisinei sistemai.

Autopoezës teorijos pritaikymas teisës sistemos analizei
Kritiniai Luhmanno teorijos aspektai
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