
Nickel due to its physicochemical properties is used to produce high strength, corrosion resistant, temperature resi-stant, high resistance and acid resistant alloys. Nickel in the form of fine powder can induce an allergic response when in contact with the skin, carcinogenic properties have been proven with long-term exposure to nickel dust. According to the proposed directive of the European Parliament No. 2020/0262, a value of maximum allowable concentration (MAC) in a workplace air in Poland for the inhalable fraction should be at 0.05 mg/m3 and for the respirable fraction at 0.01 mg/m3 (2020/0262/COD). The aim of this study was to develop a method for determining nickel in the range of 1/10 ÷ 2 of the MAC. The method is based on gathering nickel aerosol and its compounds contained in the air on a filter, filter mineralization in nitric acid(V) and hydrochloric acid at elevated temperature then determination of nickel content in the sample using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) with flame atomization. The method for the determination of nickel is presented in the form of an analytical procedure, which is included in the appendix. This article discusses the problems of occupational safety and health, which are covered by health sciences and environmental engineering.

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