
The two world-wars and its massive destruction and horror had a great impact on human mind. Inevitably complete cynicism , pessimism , alienation , nothingness , existentialism reflected in the literature of that time. Pinter's play The Birthday Party (1957) is based on the philosophy of existentialism which later on became the source for the " Theatre of the Absurd ". Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre gave the philosophy of existentialism according to which the universe and man's experience in it are meaningless. All attempts by human mind to understand the world are futile . All philosophical systems and religion which claim that they can enable man to make sense of the world are delusive and useless. Albert Camus in The Myth of Sisyphus (1942) wrote :-
 " In a universe that is suddenly deprived of illusions and of light , man feels a stranger. ... This divorce between man and his life, the actor and his setting constitutes the feeling of Absurdity. "

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