
Sadness, disgust, shame: these feelings alienate and isolate. Although they have recently entered the public discourse, the language we use when talking about them, trying to prove the right to feel them and their political significance, is often full of formulas and clichés – relying on labeling these negative emotions rather than exploring their complexity. This is, of course, better than not talking about them at all, but it leaves considerable hunger for other, better language. So how do we talk about unpleasant feelings? How is solidarity on their grounds possible? Is there room in it for affirmation (in the spirit of Deleuze and Guattari) and what would it cover? The author polemicizes with the concepts of “dark feminism” by Jack Halberstam and “women as wardens of the night” by Jacqueline Rose. Key-words: feminism, negativity, queer, sadness

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