
IntroductionUse of snus (moist smokeless tobacco) is widespread in Scandinavia and increasingly popular in the U.S. Snus products vary in terms of product design, portion size, and nicotine content. The aim of this study was to examine variations in the nicotine content in snus sold on the Norwegian market from 2005 to 2020.MethodsWe calculated the nicotine content in dry snus in milligram per gram (mg/g) and milligram per serving (mg/s), weighted by the products’ market share from data on nicotine content, water content, and portion size (both for portion and loose snus) for the ten most sold snus products from each of the three largest manufacturers in 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020.ResultsIn all snus products combined, the nicotine content per gram snus (mg/g) increased from 16.3 to 24.1, while nicotine per serving (mg/s) was stable around 13.0. In portion snus, the nicotine content increased for both mg/g and mg/s, most notably from 2005 to 2010. In loose snus, mg/g decreased marginally, while mg/s was stable throughout the period.ConclusionsIn a period with increasing snus use, the nicotine content in snus increased per gram snus, but not per serving. The stability in nicotine per serving is likely due to a decreasing market share of loose snus which accounted for 54% of the snus products in 2005 and 5% in 2020, and which traditionally has a high content of nicotine per serving.ImplicationsUse of snus is popular in Scandinavia, most notably in Sweden and Norway, but also increasingly common in Finland, especially among young adults. There are no prior market-based studies of variations in the nicotine content in Swedish snus over time. We found that the average amount of nicotine per gram snus sold on the Norwegian market increased in the period 2005 to 2020, most notably from 2005 to 2010, while the amount of nicotine per serving was stable in the same period, primarily due to a decreasing share of loose snus.

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