
The ‘normalizing factor’ for the mutant ‘chloronerva’ of the tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum cv Bonner Beste was shown to possess the structure (2 S:3′ S:3″ S)- N-[ N-(3-amino-3-carboxypropyl)-3-amino-3-carboxypropyl]-azetidine-2- carboxylic acid and proved to be identical with nicotianamine, especially on the basis of its high resolution mass and NMR spectroscopic investigations and those of some of its derivatives. It seems to be of general occurrence in vascular plants and has been isolated from Medicago sativa (Leguminosae) and Beta vulgaris (Chenopodiaceae) using a large-scale isolation procedure. Nicotianamine has an optimal molecular structure for chelating iron ions and is considered a possible phytosiderophore with an essential function in cellular iron transport and/or metabolism.

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