
The apparel and accessory industries work in close coordination, as today's fashion-conscious consumer regards the wardrobe as complete when both apparel and accessories complement each other. Accessories, although additional components worn along with garments, go a long way not just in enhancement and beautifying the overall look of a garment but also have functional aspects. Fashion accessories can be divided into different categories based on the chosen raw material, functionality, trims, and notions used for their construction and end-uses. Decorative or ornamental accessories like jewelry, bracelets, earrings, hair accessories, bands, and clips symbolize the status of the wearer in addition to completing the look of garment, but do not contribute much in providing protection to the wearer against external elements. Accessories like footwear, gloves, hats, and headwear are functional in nature, providing protection to the wearer in different environmental conditions. Likewise, accessories like handbags and wallet sets provide ease of storage of important belongings to the users. Eventually it can be concluded that both functional and decorative accessories are part and parcel of the garment industry by the way they contribute to the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the garment to the wearer.

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