
ABSTRACTNickel base Superalloys service at high temperatures, particularly in the hot zones ofgas turbine engine. These materials allow the turbine to operate more efficiently bywithstanding higher temperatures. Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT) depends on thetemperature capability of first stage high-pressure turbine blade made of nickel basesuperalloys exclusively.Single crystal Nickel base turbine blade is free from g/ g¢ grain boundaries;boundaries are easy diffusion paths and therefore reduce the resistance of thematerial to creep deformation.Experimental investigation carried out by using Different scrap of turbine blades withdifferent chemical compositions were melted aiming to control the chemicalcomposition of the product alloy, leading to a steel alloy called iron base superalloywith nickel content (24.3%) and chromium content (13.2%) this new alloy has almostthe same mechanical properties of nickel base superalloy of higher price. This newalloy can be used for production of turbine blades for small gas turbine engines lessthan 200 KW. Solidification behavior of stepped cast specimen of nickel basesuperalloy was studded by using three different cast thicknesses size. The resultsand conclusion of this work show that the higher the cooling rate is the better themechanical properties. The results also show that the increase of cobalt and titaniumcontents of nickel base alloy from 1.08 & 9.31 and 2.68 & 10.78 respectively leads toan increase in ultimate tensile strength, yield strength and hardness. Microstructureinvestigation of nickel base superalloys was conducted on all samples, the resultsshow the continuous matrix (g) and the primary strengthening phase (g¢), themicrostructure change from dendrite structure to a fine cellular one by increasingtitanium percent content.

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