
Part 1 Nicholas Kaldor - an overall evaluation: Nicholas Kalder 1908-1986, A.P.Thirwall Nicholas Kaldor remembered, J.K.Galbraith. Part 2 Methodology and basic approach: Kaldor between Hayek and Keynes, or - did Nicky kill capital theory? M.Desai a sweeping new non-substitution theorem - Kaldor's discovery of the Von Neumann input-output model, P.A.Samuelson equilibrium and stability in classical theory, D.J.Harris on the resolution of conflicts by compensation, U.Krause the impact of the division of labour on market relations, T.Scitovsky. Part 3 Saving and distribution: profit squeeze and Keynesian theory, S.A.Marglin and A.Bhaduri post-Keynesian theory of distribution in the long run, N.Salvadori corporate behaviour, valuation ratio and macro-economic analysis, G.Abraham-Frois. Part 4 Money and macroeconomics: the endogeneity of money, H.P.Minsky on the endogeneity of money supply, J.Tobin Marx, Keynes, Kalecki and Kaldor on the rate of interest as a monetary phenomenon, B.J.Moore money - cause or effect? exogenous or endogenous?, P.Davidson change, continuity and originality in Kaldor's monetary theory, M.Lavoie. Part 5 Business cycles: a Keynesian business cycle, R.Day perfect foresight cycles in a Marxian-Keynesian model of accumulation with money, D.K.Foley wandering around the warranted path - dynamic nonlinear solutions to the harrodian knife-edge, A.Shaikh a dynamical macroeconomic growth model wth external financing of firms - a numerical stability analysis, R.Franke and W.Semmler a working model of slump and recovery from disturbances to capital-goods demand in a closed non-monetary economy, E.S.Phelps cyclical growth in a Kaldorian model, P.Skott endogenous credit and endogenous business cycles, M.Jarsulic. Part 6 Theory of growth: change and continuity in Kaldor's thought on growth and distribution, F.Targetti technical change, growth and distribution - a steady state approach to unsteady growth on Kaldorian lines, H.D.Kurz a Kaldorian saving function in a two-sectoral linear growth model, H.Hagemann international debts and deficits - a Kaldor/Pasinetti model, H.Gram. Part 7 Empirical evidence on post-war growth: Kaldor's growth theories - past, present and prospects for the future, R.Boyer and P.Petit Kaldor's macro system - too much cumulation, to few contradictions, D.M.Gordon disembodied technical progress - theory and measurement, S.Nagy. Part 8 Economic policy and economic systems: Nicholas Kaldor as advocate of commodity reserve currency, A.G.Hart Kaldor on international economic policy, S.Dell demand scarcity and supply shortage in capitalism and socialism, E.Nell.

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