
AbstractAdaptation to different ecological niches is considered one of the main drivers of species diversification, also in cryptic species complexes, notwithstanding their morphological stasis. We here review all the published information on ecological differentiation within cryptic species complexes within the phylum Rotifera. We found 177 instances of cryptic species identified genetically, published in 101 papers. Only a subset of the papers contained available information on ecological differences and only for two of the 54 known complexes, namely Brachionus calyciflorus s.l. and Brachionus plicatilis s.l., sufficient data were available for analyses of ecological differences. For the B. calyciflorus complex, B. fernandoi consistently occurred at a significantly lower temperature than the other species in the complex; no differences were found for other environmental variables. For the B. plicatilis complex, B. paranguensis occurred in waters with higher pH than the other species; no differences were found for other environmental variables. These results, even if preliminary and based on scattered information, reveal that adaptation to different ecological niches exists also between closely related species. Our aim is to showcase this interesting field of research spurring further detailed studies to focus on the mechanisms of ecological speciation using rotifer cryptic species as a model system.

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