
Strictly separate disciplines before, art history, literary criticism, sociology, political science and history, begin to look at their boundaries blurred and crossed in a particular class of hybrid and transversal studies, which were no longer easily assigned to one domain or another. Giving rise to a new discursive phenomenon, which can only be designated generically-as-theory (theory). The original form of these works reflects, as we shall see, the increasing textualization of its objects, showing a resurgence, but much more versatile, the ancient practice of "comment" kind, like the "after-dinner speech" Nicanor Parra, subscribe. In Parra-Cervantes Prize 2011, the highest honor and most important literary award in Spanish-we have one of the most outstanding examples of these deconstructive writings, with its clear emphasis on narrative as a foundation instance of postmodern reason. Parra exceeds the bounds of canonical language, the "sacred cow poetry-in a clear allusion to Neruda irreverent and stages its special" artifacts dramatic, "morpho-syntactic exercises that cross object and allow text and field projection of experience, a visual language, whose material and texture are the disturbing object which we call "artifact". Antipoetry is thus in the deconstructive project Parra, a contratexto, or counter-lyrical intonations urban ecological erotológicas, political, eschatological, and so on., Where Neruda and I speak the nature of heroic gestures, but the modern subject, ironic and sarcastic, which has fragmented monologue confessional nudity a clinical document and intellectual development


  • Strictly separate disciplines before, art history, literary criticism, sociology, political science and history, begin to look at their boundaries blurred and crossed in a particular class of hybrid and transversal studies, which were no longer assigned to one domain or another

  • Parra exceeds the bounds of canonical language, the "sacred cow poetry-in a clear allusion to Neruda irreverent and stages its special" artifacts dramatic, "morpho-syntactic exercises that cross object and allow text and field projection of experience, a visual language, whose material and texture are the disturbing object which we call "artifact"

  • Antipoetry is in the deconstructive project Parra, a contratexto, or counter-lyrical intonations urban ecological erotológicas, political, eschatological, and so on., Where Neruda and I speak the nature of heroic gestures, but the modern subject, ironic and sarcastic, which has fragmented monologue confessional nudity a clinical document and intellectual development

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Para decirlo todo de una vez Advertiré que mi discurso consta de una sola palabra: Gracias señor Rector Es un honor muy grande para mí Inmerecido por donde se mire: En esto sí que soy intransigente que tiene como antecedente “Sermones y prédicas del Cristo de Elqui”. Parra da una pormenorizada cuenta de la personalidad verdaderamente excepcional de Huidobro, subrayando sus excentricidades, su egolatría y sus torpezas, a la vez que sacándose el sombrero ante todas las cualidades que lo han convertido en uno de los autores fundamentales de la poesía chilena. Dice por ahí: “Cómo se explica/ Sr Presidente de la Sociedad de Escritores de Chile/ Que no le den el Premio Nacional/ So pretexto de que está muerto!/ Ojalá los amigos sepultureros/ estuvieran tan vivos como él”

Nicanor Parra
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