
A sophisticated ‘risk management engine’ will be set up to reduce fraud and corruption when the massive R128 billion National Health Insurance (NHI), fund rolls into gear in 2012. This assurance was given to several worried delegates to the South African Medical Association (SAMA), conference addressing the impending system by Dr Olive Shisana, chairperson of the NHI Ministerial Advisory Task Team. Some delegates pointed to endemic corruption and financial mismanagement in several provincial health departments, some of it involving Health MECs or their Directors General and asked what the plan was to prevent the NHI fund (rising to R375.5 billion in 2025) from being similarly affected. Others alluded to Cosatu president, Zwelinzima Vavi’s reference to ‘the predator state’ in describing the current status quo, in spite of President Jacob Zuma’s belated attempt to crack down on all forms of fraud and corruption.

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