
Total content of potassium in smectitic soils is commonly high, however its availability for plant growth is frequently problem because it is fixed at interlayer space of 2:1 type of clay mineral. The research was aimed to study the sorption and effect of Na+, NH +, and Fe3+ on soil available K at smectitic soils. It was conducted in Laboratory of Research and Soil Test, Indonesian Soil Research Institute by using four of soil samples taken from Bogor (Typic Hapludalfs), Cilacap (Chromic Endoaquerts), Ngawi (Typic Endoaquerts), and Blora (Typic Haplustalfs). Incubation experiment used Randomized Completely Block Design, 4 treatments, and 5 replications. The treatment consisted of without cation, application of Na+, NH +, and Fe3+ from NaCl, NH Cl, and FeCl respectively at 50% of maximum adsorption level. The results showed that soil sorption, buffering capacity, and maximum sorption of Fe3+ were higher than NH + and Na+, while the variables of NH + were similar with those of Na+. Among the treatments,bond energy constant was in order of Na+ > Fe3+ > NH + at Alfisols and it was in order of Fe3+ > Na+ > NH + at Vertisols. Among the soils, the soil sorption, buffering capacity, and maximum sorption were in order of Vertisols > Alfisols. The application of Na+ significantly increased soil soluble-K at Chromic Endoaquerts and Typic Endoaquerts; NH + significantly increased soil exchangeable K at Typic Hapludalfs, Chromic Endoaquerts, and Typic Endoaquerts; while Fe3+ significantly increased both variables in all tested soils.


  • Sorption and Effect of Na+, NH4+, and Fe3+ on Soil Available K at Smectitic Soils

  • The results showed that soil sorption, buffering capacity, and maximum sorption of Fe3+ were higher than NH4+ and Na+, while the variables of NH4+ were similar with those of Na+

  • The absorption of potassium in soil in non-exchangeable form

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Percobaan dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Penelitian dan Uji Tanah, Balai Penelitian Tanah Bogor dengan menggunakan empat contoh tanah bulk yang diambil dari Bogor (Hapludalf Tipik), Cilacap (Endoaquert Kromik), Ngawi (Endoaquert Tipik), dan Blora (Haplustalf Tipik). Pengambilan contoh tanah bulk mempertimbangkan: bahan induk tanah, iklim, kadar Kdd dan mineral liat smektit tanah. Hapludalf Tipik, berasal dari bahan induk batu kapur dan zone agroklimat B1, Endoaquert Kromik dari sedimen liat berkapur dan zone agroklimat B1, Endoaquert Tipik dari sedimen liat berkapur dan zone agroklimat C3, dan Haplustalf Tipik dari batu kapur dan zone agroklimat C2. Kadar Kdd tanah-tanah tersebut berkisar antara rendah (Hapludalf Tipik) hingga tinggi (Endoaquert Kromik), sedangkan mineral liat yang dominan di keempat tanah tersebut adalah smektit. Selanjutnya penelitian dilaksanakan melalui tiga rangkaian kegiatan yang diuraikan sebagai berikut

Penetapan Jerapan Kation
Ti pik
Percobaan Inkubasi
Penetapan Fraksionasi K
Kurva Jerapan
Endoaquert Tipik
Jerapan Maksimum dan Konstanta Energi Ikatan
Ketersediaan K Tanah
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