
view Abstract Citations (32) References (23) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS NGC 7552: A Galaxy with a Dormant Active Nucleus? Forbes, Duncan A. ; Kotilainen, Jari K. ; Moorwood, A. F. M. Abstract Recent theoretical studies have suggested that small-scale bars may provide the mechanism for transporting material ("fuel") to a galaxy nucleus. Here we present high-resolution imaging of NGC 7552 in the infrared emission line of H_2_ 2.12 micron which reveals a possible nuclear bar. We also present Brγ imaging which clearly shows the kiloparsec-sized starburst ring previously identified in the radio by Forbes et al. 1994. Although this galaxy appears to possess a small-scale molecular bar and a large reservoir of molecular material, there is no evidence for current activity, either starburst or Seyfert-like, at the nucleus. Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: September 1994 DOI: 10.1086/187536 Bibcode: 1994ApJ...433L..13F Keywords: Active Galactic Nuclei; Barred Galaxies; Emission Spectra; Galactic Nuclei; Infrared Astronomy; Infrared Imagery; Molecular Spectra; Starburst Galaxies; Astronomical Models; Astronomical Photography; Astronomical Spectroscopy; Bromine; Hydrogen; Infrared Telescopes; Line Spectra; Molecular Gases; Astronomy; GALAXIES: INDIVIDUAL NGC NUMBER: NGC 7552; GALAXIES: NUCLEI; INFRARED: GALAXIES full text sources ADS | data products SIMBAD (3) NED (1)

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