
The chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan NG2 is a component of the glial scar following brain injury. Because of its growth inhibiting properties, it has been suggested to impede axonal regeneration. To study whether NG2 could also regulate axonal growth in denervated brain areas, changes in NG2 were studied in the rat fascia dentata following entorhinal deafferentation and were correlated with the post-lesional sprouting response. Laser microdissection was employed to selectively harvest the denervated molecular layer and combined with quantitative RT-PCR to measure changes in NG2 mRNA (6 h, 12 h, 2 days, 4 days, 7 days post-lesion). This revealed increases of NG2 mRNA at day 2 (2.5-fold) and day 4 (2-fold) post-lesion. Immunocytochemistry was used to detect changes in NG2 protein (1 days, 4 days, 7 days, 10 days, 14 days, 30 days, 6 months post-lesion). NG2 staining was increased in the denervated outer molecular layer at day 1 post-lesion, reached a maximum 10 days post-lesion, and returned to control levels thereafter. Electron microscopy revealed NG2 immunoprecipitate on glial surfaces and in the extracellular matrix around neuronal profiles, indicating that NG2 is secreted following denervation. Double labeling of NG2-immunopositive cells with markers for astrocytes, microglia/macrophages, and mature oligodendrocytes suggested that NG2 cells are a distinct glial subpopulation before and after entorhinal deafferentation. BrdU labeling revealed that some of the NG2-positive cells are generated post-lesion. Taken together, our data revealed a layer-specific upregulation of NG2 in the denervated fascia dentata that coincides with the sprouting response. This suggests that NG2 could regulate lesion-induced axonal growth in denervated areas of the brain.

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