
Modern information technologies have led to the emergence and intensive dissemination of fundamentally new models of social integration, communication, socio-political activity, lifestyle, education. Over the past decade, Ukraine has succeeded in creating a legal and regulatory basis for the development of the e-education sector. In the real educational process at higher education institutions, modern information technologies are either hardly used or utilized unsystematically and sporadically. Objective – to investigate the problem of information technologies implementation in the educational space of higher education institutions. Methods: analysis of special, scientific and methodological literature, Internet data, surveys, systematization and generalization. Conclusions. Despite the high dynamics of the increase in the number of Internet users in Ukraine, up to 50 % of the population does not use computers. In general, all positive dynamics of increase is provided mainly by young people, while the older generation is virtually marginalized from the processes of informatization, which gives rise to the problem of digital divide. At the same time, overindulgence of young people in computer technologies leads to the emergence of such problems as Internet addiction, which a few years ago was irrelevant for Ukraine. The computer and the Internet in Ukraine today are mainly a source of entertainment and communication, and the number of those for whom the connection “computer + Internet” is the main source of income (the new place of work) is still not enough. The most significant achievements of Ukraine in social transformations, achieved through the introduction of modern information technologies, are noted by both domestic and international experts related to the sphere of education (school and higher). For the further development of the market of educational services, the solution of a number of social problems, the real introduction of training on the basis of Internet technologies in higher education institutions of physical culture and sports, it is necessary to create a scientifically substantiated system of education and conditions that will ensure its stable functioning and further development.


  • реального впровадження навчання на основі інтернет-технологій у закладах вищої освіти фізичної культури і спорту необхідне створення науково обґрунтованої системи освіти та умов

  • Modern information technologies have led to the emergence

  • while the older generation is virtually marginalized from the processes of informatization

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Українська молодь вельми інтенсивно використовує сучасні інформаційно-комунікаційні технології та мережу Інтернет, про що свідчать соціологічні дослідження. Такий рівень «занурення» молоді в мережу Інтернет та у віртуальний простір у цілому дозволяє говорити про формування нових тенденцій у поведінці користувачів, які не були характерні для України ще 10 років тому.

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